The 85th Death Anniversary of Lenin

But who really gives a fuck anymore?

Socialism is dead. It is so dead that even the Russians dont practice it anymore. Its strange to see posters about it on Sri Lankan walls though..

19th - Martin Luther King day. He had a dream! of a free country. Of equality, of black people living in a united America.

20th - First black president comes to power. In the United States! A free and equal America is finally realized and undeniably proven to the rest of the word

21th - Death of Lenin, a kick in the face of the last big 'enemy' of the 'free world'

You are dead. We are alive and stonger than EVER! look out Iran and Islamic Fundamentalism.

Am I too conspiratorial or was it all just a calenderial coincidence?


Unknown said...

yeah... who really gives a F@#$ about lenin